Before we start comparing, we'd just like to say that, much like pet sitters, not all kennels are created equally. If you've found a great doggy day care that lets your pup relax while you're away, that's awesome. However, many people don't realize the amount of stress their pets deal with when they are separated from their family AND their home. So, before you make that boarding call, make sure you've considered all your options. Here are eight thought-provoking reasons about why pet sitting might just be the better option...
1. You Don't Have to Mess With Stress
We know you've heard it a million times before, so we won't insult your intelligence; the bottom line is that animals just do better in familiar environments (like their own homes). New locations with different people can add unnecessary stress to your pet's life, especially when you're not there to help them adjust. This mental duress can also lead to nasty physical ailments like shaking, diarrhea, and lethargy. So while you're relaxing, why not make sure your fur baby is as comfortable as possible at home?
2. Your Furry Friend Gets Their Workout
Some kennels have open areas where dogs can play at select times during their stay. That's all well and good, but does your boarding facility come with guaranteed exercise and play time? How large is the area that your dog gets to roam? How clean is it? How many other dogs does your pet have to share that space with? You might not know the answers to those questions, but I'm sure you know the size of your yard, or how long your pet likes to be walked. Fluff Certified Sitters take your pet's specific needs into consideration (as should other pet sitters in general) and with Fluff, your pet is guaranteed exercise while your away with our One Mile Guarantee.
3. The Spotlight is on Your Pet
Your pets are social creatures. Unfortunately, boarding facilities rarely promise enough interactive time with your pet to genuinely stimulate them and ensure that they are happy. Ultimately, a kennel staff's attention is divided between your pet, and many others. When a sitter sets aside time for your fur baby, however, you know that they are there for your pets and your pets alone. Who else can give your four-legged buddies that kind of attention besides you?
4. Kiss Kennel Cough Goodbye
We hate to say it, but no matter how healthy and clean your pet may be, there's no telling what someone else's pet may be bringing to a boarding facility. When you choose a pet sitter, you don't have to worry about your pets being introduced to new doggy diseases and cat contagions.
5. You Leave Your Home Open for Burgling Business
You've probably joked that your dog would greet the burglars as they came through the door. That may very well be the case, but the truth is that Fido is still a great alarm system. Sure, thieves might be welcomed after they cross the threshold, but what thief wants to risk breaking into a home when they hear your lab barking like crazy? Or when they see that your home still looks lived in? The truth of the matter is that Bill the burglar would much rather risk entering the home across the street (because they decided to board their pet), than risk running into your pet or pet sitter because you opted for in-home care.
6. Ever Heard of Kennel Crazy?
If you haven't heard enough to keep you turned off from kennels for good, you should check out this study which talks about the real threat boarding your pet has to their mental health. In this study it was observed that dogs who were kenneled showed symptoms similar to humans who suffer from mental illness while being boarded. It was argued in the study that dogs who are accustomed to regular human interaction were particularly affected by kenneling. So, if your pet loves to be around its people, definitely forego the boarding and call Fluff (or your preferred pet sitting service).
7. Two Services for the Price of One
Why pay a house sitter and a kennel? Use a pet sitter and get both! Most pet sitters are happy to provide overnight services, or multiple stop-ins. If you ask nicely, your pet sitter will gladly rotate the lights, water your plants, and collect your mail (of course we can't speak for all pet sitters, but we at least we know that Fluff Certified Sitters would be happy to!).