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Getting a professional Pet Sitter is as easy as 1, 2, 3!

Enter all of your information on our new client welcome page. Once you do so, your account will be auto-approved.


Once your account is created you can log into the Android App, Time to Pet. Click here to download it!

Fill in all of the required fields for you and your pet's information. This can be done online or through the Time to Pet App.


If you need to order a lock box, we will send you one free of charge when you order one through our website.

Schedule your services! We highly recommend that you schedule a time to meet your sitter before services start.


Note that all scheduling can be done online or through Time to Pet, but our on demand services are only available through the iOS App, Fluff - Pet Services.

Need a little extra guidance? We'll be happy to help get you started! Give us a call, email, or follow the detailed instructions we've left below.

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